07 October 2009

Mile Marker One

It's been about a month since I've updated you on ministry-related news and thoughts (though I hope some of you picked up a copy of Andrew Peterson's fantastic North! Or Be Eaten after reading my previous post). I do have a bit of news and several prayer requests to share with you.

First, today was my last day working at the coffeeshop. As you may or may not know, I have been working at a wonderful coffeeshop for nearly a year now. The job was one of those obvious oases in the midst of a lot of desert wandering and transition that took place in my life as I got used to being out of school, fundraising here and there, and beginning work in a ministry that (like all ministries) can be quite emotionally draining. The staff and working environment were encouraging and fun at a time when I needed them to be. At the same time, though I loved my job, it has proven quite an able distraction from the fundraising and ministry to which God has called me. As this school year got started, I could sense that the time was coming to transition out of the coffeeshop and into surrendering to a life of full-time fundraising so that I can get back to campus as soon as possible. This realization came with the equally strong arrival of bills and other financial constraints that also needed to be satisfied. My supervisor and I met and determined that if I could get to 55% of my budget, I could live reasonably from my InterVarsity stipend alone and be free to quit my second job. As of today, I am within 5% of that goal. In faith, I have quit the coffeeshop praying that God will move in the midst of my risk to provide the remaining 5% before October 15th so that my stipend can be increased by the end of the month and I can feel the freedom to breathe easier as I continue following Jesus in fundraising and campus ministry. Will you pray with me that God will meet me here and blow all of us away with His grace and generosity in providing for and through His people?

I have a few other prayer requests for you to consider as you lift up both me personally and the ministry of IV at SLU.
  • This weekend is our annual Fall Conference. Praise God - SLU is taking 21 students! This is the most students we have ever taken to an event! Please pray that those among our students who don't know Jesus would meet him this weekend! Pray that all of the 130+ students from across Missouri in attendance would feel the call to follow Jesus in mission on campus. Pray for me and the rest of the worship team as we attempt to usher our fellow worshipers into the very throne room of God.
  • Though I have reached a significant barrier in fundraising, there is still a ways to go. Please pray for the next 20% necessary for me to get back on campus would come quickly. I have set a personal goal of arriving there by November 1st. Will you join me in praying toward that goal?
I will be sure to update you as we move into Fall Conference this weekend. I'll be leading the worship team and am excited to see how God moves in the hearts of students. I wish I could transmit my excitement and heart for my students to you through this blog. Keep us your hearts as we seek the Lord this weekend.

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