One of the key differences between my job last year as a ministry intern and the transition I'm making into a full-time staff position is that I will no longer (ideally) have a part-time job to supplement my living expenses. As Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 9, "Don't you know that those who work in the temple get their food from the temple, and those who serve at the altar share in what is offered on the altar? In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel." However, in this transition time my part-time job is necessary until I reach the point in my budget that I can live and do ministry from the support that is coming in. Herein lies the issue with which I wrestle as I write this: my part-time job at a coffeeshop at SLU is both a great blessing, as I depend on it for supplemental income while I fundraise outside those hours; and a great curse as it takes up about 30 hours of the week that I could spend elsewhere gathering support and planning for the school year. I love and need the job, but it is a distraction from the work that God has actually called me to do.
I have recently been informed that the amount of a stipend I would need to live without a second job could be given if I reach 55% of my budget, including pledges and one-time gifts. I am currently at 37%. I am praying (and inviting you to pray!) that God, in His abundant provision, would meet me at 55% before school starts on August 24th. This would allow me to focus all of my attention and energy on finishing the fundraising process for the year so I can begin working on campus and spending my time introducing students to Jesus. Would you join me in this prayer? He has given my staff partner and I a wonderful vision for the IV chapter at SLU in 2009-2010 and I want to dive into it as soon as possible.
If you are interested in chatting about some creative ways that you can help me, please e-mail me at and we can figure out a time to talk. As always, thanks for reading but thank you more for your prayers!
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