As we all know, Spring Break is traditionally a time for college students to get away from campus and head to the beach or mountains or wherever they go to get away from the stress of classes and live it up for a week. Here in InterVarsity, we do that too...but ours looks a little different.
This Spring Break, we sent students out to live it up for a week of missional living, where they could really live it up. We sent 5 students to City Lights 2012, InterVarsity's Saint Louis-based urban project. At City Lights, students come from all over the country to spend their Spring Breaks learning about God's heart for the urban poor and why the Gospel calls us to work for the reconciliation of all people under Christ, even those who don't look like us or make as much money as we do. They spend a week working in areas of the city that SLU students would never see in our Midtown bubble. They work alongside refugees who are scraping together a living after fleeing their war-torn home countries and yet still find a way to find joy in being God's children. Needless to say, students almost always return from City Lights fired up to see the work God is doing on campus spill out into the city around us. I can't wait to see what this team does with that passion!

Interested in seeing more? Here are videos made by each team that go a bit deeper into their experiences:
City Lights
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